Career Building

How to get your Student to Network

Networking can be a scary word to many adults, let alone students. It can be extremely intimidating to talk to people you don’t know in an attempt to create a genuine connection that can be beneficial in the future. One way that the CPDC tries to encourage networking while not putting too much pressure on students in through job shadowing. Job shadowing allows students to visit with an employer or alumni to see what a day in the host’s career field is like. This is an excellent way to network, while being low-pressure since it is an opportunity set up through the career center.

Job shadowing can take place throughout winter break (12/18/17 – 1/16/18) and students are able to search by location so that they are able to participate whether they are at home, or at school as long as there are hosts signed up for their home location.

You can encourage your student to learn more about the CPDC’s job shadowing program, Take a Tartan to Work, by visiting the website. They can also attend our Job Shadowing Info Session that will take place on October 23rd and can be found on Handshake.

Help your Freshmen and Sophmores ‘Get Started’ at the CPDC

The Career & Professional Development Center can seem like an intimidating place to a student who’s still not quite sure what they want to do after college, so how can you help encourage them to stop in?


How to Help your Student Prepare for an Interview

Now that the career fairs are over, students are preparing for interviews that can help them secure a summer internship, or even a full-time job offer. Interviews can be hard for everyone, but especially for the parent who wants their student to succeed, but can only help so much. So what can you do to help make sure your student is as prepared as possible?


So your Student Didn’t Secure an Internship this Summer, Now What?

Summer is finally here, your student packed their bags and has returned home, but that internship they thought they were going to get didn’t work out, now what? Students can often be bombarded with the idea that they must have a summer internship to be successful; however, while internships certainly can provide advantages to students, they can also have a productive summer without one. (more…)

How your First or Second Year can get Ahead of the Game

Students are always faced with competition when applying for internships, but this is especially true for those ambitious freshmen and sophomores trying to land a summer internship for the first time. Employers are often flooded with applications from older students, and it can be hard for younger students’ applications to find their way to the top of the pile. Jumpstart, our new networking and internship fair, can help give these students the leg-up that they might need.


Do they Really Need to Sleep that Long?

It’s Holiday Break for CMU. Your student is finally home after a long semester; they’ve seen their hometown friends, had dinners with family, spent hours binging on Netflix, and slept for what seems like days on end. So, now what?


Want Your Student to do Something Productive over Winter Break? Keep Reading!

Winter Break is a wonderful time for your students to relax and take a break after an eventful semester; however, it can also be used as an opportunity for them to network and find connections in the job world. Take a Tartan to Work is Carnegie Mellon’s job shadowing program that provides opportunities for undergraduate students to explore career fields by visiting a host professional at their business or organization for one day. This program will only take one day of your students’ break, but could prove to be immeasurably useful to them in the future.


Talk it Out with Tartan Talks

I can still vividly remember my first trip to SeaWorld. My family and I were visiting my grandparents in Florida, and my parents decided to forgo our usual trip to Disney World and visit SeaWorld instead. I was devastated, as most eight-year-olds would probably be, at the thought of not getting my autograph book filled with signatures from the characters, and missing out on Cinderella’s castle. I remember being sulky for the first few minutes, still thinking of that Daisy Duck hat I wouldn’t get, before realizing that the animals we were seeing were amazing. Then, I set my eyes on the manatees, and from that moment on, it was my greatest aspiration to become a marine biologist.

A few years later, my career choice changed to doctor, and then teacher, and then back to marine biologist again. I’m sure, as parents, it’s easy to remember your own children going through something similar. I was still struggling with my career path when I entered college, and though I did eventually find the route I wanted to take, I often wished that I had the opportunity to talk with someone with real knowledge of the careers I was interested in pursuing. At Carnegie Mellon, we have developed a program that can help students who have questions, and require guidance in finding the right direction. (more…)

Financial Advice for Recent (or Soon-to-Be) Graduates

Your child has graduated from college and begun her career – it’s time to celebrate as she becomes financially independent, right? Except two months later, she asks you for money.  You thought the Bank of Mom & Dad had closed after she started work!

Too often, recent graduates fall victim to avoidable financial mistakes.  Maxing out credit cards, spending more than their take-home pay, delaying saving for retirement, defaulting on debt payments – young professionals make these mistakes because they are thrust into financial adulthood with little direction.  One common reason for this lack of guidance is that the subject of money is often off-limits for many families.

To help you prepare your child for financial independence, the Career and Professional  Development Center invited Micheal Rutkowski, a CMU alum and wealth management expert for Morgan Stanley, to share his insights on beginning one’s career on solid financial footing.  We hope you will view this video and share it with your child to help open the lines of communication.




How Can I Help My Student Prepare for the Career Fairs?

September is halfway over and your students are well into their new classes. Their homework is already piling up and, for some of them, going to career events is the last thing on their mind. This can be problematic for some because while students may not like school all of the time, at least they have the security of knowing what will be happening the next year. It’s easy for students to push the knowledge of college ending one day to the back of their minds, especially when they’re already busy with homework, organizations, and friends. It can be hard for future graduates to wrap their head around the fact that the lifestyle they’ve been used to for the past sixteen years is going to change drastically. (more…)